Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Idiotic point of view on life?

Oh no, I'll never change the world...
I'm not that smart but
I have always been kind and true
You might have heard the biggest words
But never have eyes more tender been set on you

Oh no, I'll never be the one they choose...
My face will never be flawless
And I may always be one step behind
I'll have my lazy days
and my depressing nights

Oh no, they'll never return... 
We don't need them
Let's leave them all behind
Let's build us a new heaven
You have your own reasons and I have mine

Am I so blind? Am I an idiot for considering that the most important thing in life is love?

When it comes to philosophy, I have found people who are so interested in the grander picture that they neglect the small changes that they can bring about.

Sure, everybody wants to change the world for the better, but some people seem to think that the only way to do so is through radical and intellectual ways, expressing your thoughts and being constantly up-to-date with politics, economy and other mankind-invented excuses for not listening to themselves.
I consider myself a more spiritual person- I feel the most important change of all must happen first within me, in small yet essential events. And the worst part is that they regard me as (and therefore make me feel like) an idiot for not caring about what they do! I really hate it when they try to bring me down just because I don't know as much as they do about certain subject matters I don't really care about!

Then, there's the completely avoided issue of emotions- these people seem to have hearts of stone. What's the point of fighting with your entire soul for making changes in things like policies when you are not able to love and respect? This to me is the most destructive mistake young people can make- neglecting the importance of love, respect, tolerance and honesty. If everybody was honest, loving, caring and respectful, we wouldn't need these fights, these rebellions that always leave so much distress.

So, in that sense, although at times I may feel a bit ignorant for not being aware of the current situation regarding world issues, at least I can feel proud for saying that I am aware of those around me and what they feel and need. I respect and accept, I am tolerant, polite and considerate. I don't need to form an inflated opinion on a certain political party and express it out loud in a very adorned fashion; that's not who I am; that's who I never wish to be.

If that should be what you are looking for, just pass my way... for I have seen an heard it all- love and hate, happiness and sadness, life and death, loneliness and contempt, richness and poverty... and in every situation, all that matters is love.

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