It's easy to feel when you want to... so I guess I don't...
There's more to life than this... in fact, the only purpose of living is to prepare you for Death- either yours or other's.
When you are ready and embrace Death, life becomes easier because you don't care... and the less you care, the happier you'll be.
I remember everything so well as if it had happened yesterday... there was a certain smell all over the air and soon you became permeated by it. I recall it as the scent of sickness, which I've felt in many people ever since, so I know what haunts them. Your transparent skin is forever burned in my brain as the very image of frailness and imminent dying.
I gave you my every moment, my every prayer, my every effort... I tried to keep you here... but what was I to do being as weak as I am?
Change it all...
Curse them into the living fire
And set me in their place
For it is I who needs to be born into darkness...
And I'll escape, I know someday I'll run as fast as I can, but they'll catch me and they'll murder me for good.
I can't... I can't run anymore... I can't even breathe... this guilt, this longing, this melancholy... they are all my only connection. I can't hold to what I'm supposed to.There is no crying... there is no pity I demand. I just look for lonely expectance. And they are giving me solutions... small and invisible solutions, well intended but useless... I don't want to.
Take the pill that makes you weaker
Take the pill that makes you sick
Take the pill or you’ll be sorry
Take this bloody pill and make it quick
Take the pill that kills your sex drive
Take the pill that makes you cry
Take the pill that burns your insides
Take the pill that makes you want to die
Be careful what you say…
Today could be your day…
Best that you’re not procreating
Best that you don’t multiply
Better still, let’s sterilize you
Take this pill, the Doctor’s standing by
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